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The most significant advancements in diagnosing and treating sleep apnea have been made in recent years. If your dentist or primary care physician suspects that you have sleep apnea, he’ll suggest you get tested for sleep apnea to be treated for this sleep disorder.

There are two main types of tests you can have to test for sleep apnea:

In-Clinic Overnight Sleep Study

As the name suggests, you stay overnight at a clinic, lab, or hospital and are given a polysomnogram (PSG), a test that records and electronically transmits your body’s activities while you sleep.

A polysomnography records your:

  • Oxygen level in your blood
  • Breathing rate
  • Heart rate
  • Brain ways
  • Eye movements

These recordings are examined and interpreted by a sleep specialist who ascertains if you have a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea. If you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may need to undergo more tests to see what treatment will be best for you.

What to Expect During an In-clinic Sleep Study

You are assigned a private bedroom close to a central monitoring area with technicians to monitor you while you sleep. You are hooked up to equipment, including surface electrodes and belts around your abdomen and chest, to measure your breathing and digitally record your body’s functions. While the PSG is a practical sleep apnea test, it has drawbacks, including that it’s inconvenient and you aren’t sleeping in your everyday environment.

At-Home Sleep Apnea Test

Many people find that taking a sleep apnea test at home is preferable to going to a sleep lab and trying to sleep in a strange new place. For many, an in-home sleep apnea assessment is also far more convenient than an in-lab sleep study.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

Nowadays, there are a variety of treatments options available for sleep apnea, including:

  • Sleep apnea oral appliance
  • Lifestyle changes, for example, losing weight
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) – a special machine that helps you to breathe using positive airway pressure
  • Medicines
  • Nasal dilators
  • Surgery – if there’s a blockage or other abnormality

To get tested for sleep apnea or get fitted for a sleep apnea oral device, please call Smile On Dental Salon & Sleep Apnea Center or book your appointment online.

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